
Measurement – Evaluation – Learning Support

Our technical approach is rooted in equitable evaluation to ensure that we are producing data, insights, and recommendations that are meaningful, actionable, and useful for maximizing impact for the ultimate beneficiaries. We tailor our research methodologies to prioritize “right-sizing” our evaluations to ensure deliverables are fit-for-purpose and cost-effective at every stage of the engagement.

Strategic Development & Planning

Our team has extensive experience in leading strategic development processes for the public and private sector. We guide leaders in defining their vision for the future and identifying their organization’s goals and objectives; working to understand internal and external factors that may affect the implementation of a strategic plan.

Capacity Building

Our team has experience in guiding our partners to further capacitate with the long-term goal being to work with more efficiently with more skillsets. We support our partners to improve skillsets, approaches, and mindsets to ensure that the work done is defensible, equity-focused, practical, and useful. We work collaboratively to capacitate in specific areas our partners deem valuable and necessary for their organizations to increase impact.

Community & Economic Development

Building pathways toward a new future requires deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities from the diverse perspectives. More importantly, it requires that target individuals and communities are given the opportunity to shape strategic priorities, solutions, and interventions in the community development plans. We prioritize equity in our approach to ensure that community voices are leading the economic development.

Race, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Support

Race Equity Diversity and Inclusion (REDI) principles are embedded in our processes, products, and policies. We live our commitment to REDI principles in how we work with with our partners, the approaches, methodologies, and tools we use in our work. We have deep experience implementing responsive monitoring and evaluation approaches to support our partners in addressing their complex needs.

Culturally Responsive Equitable Evaluation Support

Sankofa follows the principles and practices of culturally responsive and equitable evaluation (CREE). CREE ensures that how we collect data, evidence, and insights, and analyze and interpret findings must be informed by and responsive to culture and contexts. Our approach to providing guidance and coaching is responsive to the different geographic and cultural contexts in which our partners operate (i.e., in Africa, India, and the US) and how DEI is defined and expressed among various partners in various regions. 

Nonprofit Business Planning

Non-profit business planning is a specific area of expertise for our team. We bring a passionate and experienced team who works collaboratively with non-profit partners to develop business plans to guide organizations through articulating a business plan on how to get where they want to go.

Grant Making Support & Donor Advising

Our team brings 30+ years of experience in supporting donors to align grant making with their vision and strategic plans. We take an iterative and collaborative approach to advising our partners on how, when, and to whom funding should be allocated.

Research Support

Our team brings specific expertise in qualitative and quantitative skillsets necessary to conduct research on a wide range of topics. We tailor our approaches to the needs of our partners, while creating applicable frameworks, maintaining rigor, and specifying the deliverable to the context. Our research typically includes a collaborative framework development, a rigorous analysis process, and an iterative process for finalizing deliverables for our partner’s needs.

Our diverse team comes with the experience and energy to support your unique needs. You can expect a high degree of rigor, combined with an equity approach to meet you where you are. We come with the experience of working locally, nationally, and internationally with small non-profits and large funders. We are ready to join you!