Central Valley Community Foundation - Developing the Region’s Inclusive & Vibrant Economy (DRIVE)


Sankofa has collaborated closely with Central Valley Community Foundation (CVCF) on their Fresno DRIVE initiative, a 10-year investment program that provides initiatives and civic members in Fresno with the opportunity to collaborate, co-create, and commit to a shared vision for their communities. Sankofa supported the DRIVE Race Equity Committee to develop a Theory of Change (TOC) for the overall DRIVE program, along with a Race Equity (RE) Plan and a Race Equity Measurement and Evaluation (M&E) Plan.

Currently, Sankofa provides technical assistance to the 19 initiatives engaged in this work to develop a comprehensive results framework and monitoring and evaluation to better align their programmatic actions and interventions with the TOC, with an explicit focus on promoting racial equity and community engagement.


  • Developed a Theory of Change for the overall DRIVE program, in addition to a Race Equity Plan and a Race Equity Measurement & Evaluation Plan. These plans provide a common framework for the 19 initiatives, prioritizing the integration of racial equity as a core component of their strategies.

  • Conducted capacity building for CVCF and DRIVE grantees to position them for effective performance monitoring, outcomes measurement and actionable learning throughout the duration of the program

  • Further refined initiative plans to better align their programmatic actions and interventions with the TOC, with an explicit focus on promoting racial equity and community engagement.

  • Developed clear complementary M&E plans for individual initiative investment plans, incorporating standardized indicators to enable monitoring and measurement of their contributions to DRIVE’s overarching goals and impact. 

  • Create templates/processes that will support DRIVE, including a process to track how CVCF is doing in building capacity and supporting grantees on M&E and guidelines and approaches for strengthening capacity for grantees.

Final Deliverable:

  • A theory of change for DRIVE

  • A race equity plan and its measurement and evaluation plan

  • Comprehensive DRIVE-level M&E plan developed

  • M&E guidelines developed for initiatives’ participation/engagement in DRIVE M&E, including data sharing and ownership

  • Developed M&E orientation curriculum for grantees

  • Completed plan refinement for 8 initiatives and 6 initiatives have an M&E plan


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - Learning & Innovation


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Public Health Ecosystem: Country-level technical assistance for monitoring, evaluation, and learning