Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Public Health Ecosystem: Country-level technical assistance for monitoring, evaluation, and learning


Sankofa is supporting the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) Emergency Response (EMR) team to provide monitoring and evaluation technical assistance to support investments that seek to promote public health preparedness and response in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). As such, Sankofa is working with Emergency Operation Centers (EOC) to provide monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) capacity building and technical assistance where MEL task and activities and outputs (i.e., data, information and analytical reports and insights) are needed to inform learning, reporting and decision-making.   


  • Sankofa started the work with the Nigeria CDC and the Senegal COUS to diagnose and unpack potential needs, expectations, and uses for MEL.

  • Sankofa will then use the results of the diagnostic work to inform a customized TA service delivery plan and pathway for providing TA. The service delivery plan will follow our evidence-based approach and the workplan for each country will focus on co-creating with them the building blocks of an M&E system including a theory of change (TOC), a result framework, and a detailed MEL plan.

Final Deliverable:

COVID-19 has highlighted the need for coordinated public health services, and garnered public support for national-level systems, such as emergency operation centers. A key focus for this MEL technical assistance is to improve and serve public health preparedness and response systems and practices. 

As such the technical assistance (TA) will lead to actionable results and the outcome of Sankofa’s work will be country-level MEL systems that improve the EOCs ability to use data, evidence-informed-insights and learning to continuously improve their ability to improve the quality, speed, and effectiveness of response to current and future public health crises. 


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