City of Seattle - Equitable Communities Initiative Task Force


The Equitable Communities Initiative Task Force (ECITF) presented Mayor Jenny Durkan with recommendations investing $30 million in Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) communities to address the deep disparities caused by systemic racism and institutionalized oppression. On September 29, 2020, Mayor Jenny Durkan announced a budget commitment of $100 million in new spending intended to reduce disproportionate impacts on BIPOC communities. The ECTIF was formed to provide guidance through a comprehensive investment proposal.

The ECITF is a diverse group of 25+ community leaders with deep connections and interests representing a cross-section of nonprofit, business, faith and civic industries addressing social justice, economic development, labor, food justice, education, health care, homelessness, climate justice, and LGBTQIA+ rights.


Sankofa Consulting, in partnership with The Profitable Nonprofit, facilitated the journey of the ECITF from the analysis phase to the final investment proposal. This included:

  • A process to gain a deep understanding of the context and priorities of the group and identify  any gaps in the data or materials needed to aid the recommendation process.

  • A strategic planning framework that emphasized examining four dimensions; Problem definition, Target population identification, identification of program Levers and the expected Outcomes (PTLO).   

  • City Department presentations were scheduled each week to provide a comprehensive understanding of existing City investments in BIPOC communities including current challenges and successes, and to help inform investment recommendations

  • A series of community input sessions on behalf of the ECITF for the purposes of public transparency, awareness and buy-in.

  • A Theory of Change roadmap describing how and why a desired change is anticipated, including what the programs intended to achieve and their expected outcomes. Sankofa’s Managing Director Elvis Fraser served as the technical lead throughout this process.

Final Deliverables:

  • Nine collective impact investment recommendations accompanied by 18 implementation strategies.

  • Theory of Change for the programs being implemented


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Public Health Ecosystem: Country-level technical assistance for monitoring, evaluation, and learning